Thursday, February 21, 2013

Grandma's Gift

Last year my granddaughter Poppy celebrated her 18th birthday and graduated from High School.  I wanted to make a quilt for her, one she would love and cherish for years to come.  After much thought, I came up with a "Hello Kitty" theme.  She had always loved "Hello Kitty" and still does today so this seemed like a natural.

I didn't buy the printed fabric with the Hello Kitty on it already but rather made appliqué of Kitty on large blocks.  I took the basic HK shapes and changed them up to fit my granddaughter's life.  For instance, Poppy played softball throughout most of her school years.  So, I made the HK figure with her #10, added an MVP to the shirt top and put on a baseball cap with her signature bow.

Next, I thought about her Graduation and made HK a cap and gown!

Now that she has graduated and is beginning the next phase of her life, I saw her as the young woman she has become.  What woman doesn't have a Little Black Dress!  Check out her jewelry and that rhinestone in her nose!

The rest of the images were pretty much standard HK.

I added a Minkee back in a soft pink and this is what I ended up with.

Needless to say, Poppy LOVED the quilt!  I plan on making a quilt for each of my children and grandchildren.  Oh how I wished I had started quilting earlier!  I've got a lot to do....better get back at it!  Have a good quilting day!  Thanks for visiting.

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